Lo que le sucede a un alumno durante su curso de vuelo es muy similar a lo que le acontece a cualquier pollito...
Al principio sus días transcurren en el nido observando las idas y venidas de sus padres, en ese periodo le resulta imposible pensar que su vida pueda ser diferente a ese día a día...
A medida que le van saliendo las plumas van surgiendo también las dudas sobre el verdadero objetivo de su existencia...
En el momento que sus patitas le permiten ponerse de pie y sentir el viento en su bisoño plumaje comienza a sentir con más intensidad la evidencia de su futuro...
Y por último cuando al borde del abismo ensaya el movimiento de las alas, entonces el abismo ya no es abismo... es su hogar.
Jesús (Exupery)
Al principio sus días transcurren en el nido observando las idas y venidas de sus padres, en ese periodo le resulta imposible pensar que su vida pueda ser diferente a ese día a día...
A medida que le van saliendo las plumas van surgiendo también las dudas sobre el verdadero objetivo de su existencia...
En el momento que sus patitas le permiten ponerse de pie y sentir el viento en su bisoño plumaje comienza a sentir con más intensidad la evidencia de su futuro...
Y por último cuando al borde del abismo ensaya el movimiento de las alas, entonces el abismo ya no es abismo... es su hogar.
Jesús (Exupery)
What happens to a student during his course of flight is very similar to what him happens to any chick...
Initially his days pass in the nest observing the comings and goings of his parents, in this period it turns out to him impossible to think that his life could be different to this day after day...
As they are going out for him the pens are arising also the doubts on the real aim of his existence...
In the moment that his legs allow him to put of foot and to feel the wind in his tyro on plumage it begins to feel with more intensity the evidence of his future...
And finally when at the edge of the abyss it tests the movement of the wings, then the abyss already is not an abyss ... it is his home.
Jesús (Exupery)
Initially his days pass in the nest observing the comings and goings of his parents, in this period it turns out to him impossible to think that his life could be different to this day after day...
As they are going out for him the pens are arising also the doubts on the real aim of his existence...
In the moment that his legs allow him to put of foot and to feel the wind in his tyro on plumage it begins to feel with more intensity the evidence of his future...
And finally when at the edge of the abyss it tests the movement of the wings, then the abyss already is not an abyss ... it is his home.
Jesús (Exupery)