Película APTA para aquellos que:
-Sueñan con volar.
-Vuelan sin ningún tipo de motor, sólo acariciados por el viento.
-Vuelan con motor y sienten que el avión se va al aire por pura magia y no por leyes mecánicas o aerodinámicas.
-En la cabina de un tres cuarenta contemplan una puesta de sol y sonríen al infinito.
-Siempre buscan algo más que lo de siempre, que lo de todos los días.
-Vuelan soñando o sueñan volando.
Película NO APTA para el resto, incluso por mucha licencia o habilitaciones que se tengan.
La verdad de Juan Salvador Gaviota está en lo más profundo de tu alma, un lugar que quizás ni sepas que existe, se trata de algo que no se aprende ni se estudia en ningún curso de vuelo...
Me refiero a ese aliento que impregna al espíritu del hombre desde el momento que vió un pájaro volar...
Jesús (Exupery)
Película SUITABLE for those that:
- they dream of flying.
- they fly without any type of engine, only caressed by the wind.
- they fly with engine and feel that the plane goes away to the air for pure magic and not for mechanical or aerodynamic laws.
- in the cabin of three forty they contemplate a putting Sun and smile at the infinite.
- always they look for something more than it of always, that it of every day.
- they fly dreaming or they dream flying.
- they dream of flying.
- they fly without any type of engine, only caressed by the wind.
- they fly with engine and feel that the plane goes away to the air for pure magic and not for mechanical or aerodynamic laws.
- in the cabin of three forty they contemplate a putting Sun and smile at the infinite.
- always they look for something more than it of always, that it of every day.
- they fly dreaming or they dream flying.
NOT SUITABLE movie for the rest, even for great license or qualifications that are had.
The truth of Juan Salvador Gaviota is in the deepest of your soul, a place that probably you do not even know that it exists, it is a question of something that neither is learned nor is studied in any course of flight...
I refer to this breath that he impregnates to the spirit of the man from the moment that saw a bird to fly...
The truth of Juan Salvador Gaviota is in the deepest of your soul, a place that probably you do not even know that it exists, it is a question of something that neither is learned nor is studied in any course of flight...
I refer to this breath that he impregnates to the spirit of the man from the moment that saw a bird to fly...
Jesus (Exupery)