También se dice que lloran de envidia al vernos volar cerca de ellos, y nos llaman a gritos y con grandes aspavientos, incluso luces, para que nos acerquemos... pero ésto no está tan claro.
Cuando éstos dioses riegan la tierra, nosotros ponemos rumbo a la claridad,... poco a poco bordeamos la tormenta y la saludamos, siempre manteniendo las distancias, en sus cercanías los vientos con sus rachas arrecían, las turbulencias están hambrientas... los dioses gritan y lloran... mejor, mucho mejor: RUMBO A LA CLARIDAD.
Jesús (Exupery)
They Say that the rain of the storms they are tears of gods, gods that they are born when the storm is formed and die when the cloud vanishes, finishing his existence turned into a beautiful rainbow.
Also it is said that they cry of envy on having met to fly near them, and they call us vociferously and with big exclamations, even you shine, in order that we approach ... but ésto is not so clear.
When these gods water the land, we put course to the clarity... little by little we border on the storm and greet her, always supporting the distances, in his surroundings the winds with his squalls grow worse, the turbulences are hungry ... the gods shout and cry ... better, great better: COURSE TO THE CLARITY.
Jesus (Exupery)