Llegan al mundo sin previo aviso, normalmente sobre un infinito lienzo azul comienzan a vivir, unas veces apenas un leve trazo que gradualmente va tomando forma, otras una pincelada voluminosa que rápidamente adquiere dimensiones majestuosas. Son cientos, miles, millones… siempre diferentes unas de otras, seres vivos que invaden el cielo y le llenan de vida. Pero sólo algunas, las más privilegiadas, culminan su existencia viendo como los diminutos caprichos que encierran en su interior descienden a la tierra. Sólo unas pocas, aquellas que por su belleza son amadas por los dioses, desprenden un manto húmedo que penetra en el interior de nuestra árida existencia. Son mis vuelos junto a ellas, unos vuelos en los que busco el color de la lluvia, el color de una tímida lágrima.
Jesús (Exupery)
They Come to the world without previous notice, normally on an infinite blue linen they begin to live, a few times you upset a slight outline that gradually is taking form, different a voluminous brushstroke that rapidly acquires majestic dimensions. They are hundred, thousands, millions … always different some of others, alive beings who invade the sky and fill him with life. But only some of them, the most privileged, reach his existence seeing as the tiny caprices that they enclose in his interior they descend to the land. Only some few ones, those that for his beauty are loved by the gods, detach a humid mantle that penetrates inside our arid existence. They are my flights together with them, flights in which I look for the color of the rain, the color of a shy tear.
Jesús (Exupery)
Jesús (Exupery)
They Come to the world without previous notice, normally on an infinite blue linen they begin to live, a few times you upset a slight outline that gradually is taking form, different a voluminous brushstroke that rapidly acquires majestic dimensions. They are hundred, thousands, millions … always different some of others, alive beings who invade the sky and fill him with life. But only some of them, the most privileged, reach his existence seeing as the tiny caprices that they enclose in his interior they descend to the land. Only some few ones, those that for his beauty are loved by the gods, detach a humid mantle that penetrates inside our arid existence. They are my flights together with them, flights in which I look for the color of the rain, the color of a shy tear.
Jesús (Exupery)