10 years of flight reflected in the paper:

Bob y su compañera cessna 182 LTT Lucky Lady Too:
Bob and his dear cessna 182 LTT Lucky Lady Too:

En uno cualquiera de los muchos lugares visitados:
In any one of the many places visited:

Las últimas noticias que tuve de Bob fueron en diciembre de 2009, ahora acabo de recibir un mail suyo donde me dice que su vuelo alrededor del mundo durante 10 años ha terminado felizmente. Repetiré lo que dije en su momento de Bob:
"El amigo Bob no vuela para conseguir ningún record, ni para conseguir ningún trofeo, ni para fardar ante nadie, es uno de los mejores pilotos que conozco porque sencillamente es un HUMILDE aviador que vuela…y vuela para vivir, para soñar, para respirar y lo lleva haciendo alrededor del mundo desde hace 9 años, él y su cessna Lucky Lady Too están viviendo una gran aventura aérea..."
Bob: un hombre y su sueño. Todos tenemos nuestro sueño, para los que amamos volar, bob es nuestro ejemplo, muchas gracias Bob. Para mas informacion:
The latest news I got from Bob was in December 2009, now I just received an email from him where I said that his flight around the world for 10 years has ended happily. I repeat what I said of Bob:
“My friend Bob does not fly to get any record, or to get a trophy, not to show off to anyone, is one of the best pilots I know because it simply is a humble aviator who flies ... and fly to live, to dream, to breathe and has been doing around the world for 9 years, he and his Cessna Lucky Lady Too are living a great adventure air…”
Bob: a man and his dream. We all have our dreams, for those who love to fly, bob is our example, thank you very much Bob. For more information:
“My friend Bob does not fly to get any record, or to get a trophy, not to show off to anyone, is one of the best pilots I know because it simply is a humble aviator who flies ... and fly to live, to dream, to breathe and has been doing around the world for 9 years, he and his Cessna Lucky Lady Too are living a great adventure air…”
Bob: a man and his dream. We all have our dreams, for those who love to fly, bob is our example, thank you very much Bob. For more information: